- When do I start the surf on it? Maybe five or six years ago. 开始是在什么时候,五年前?还是六年前?
- Angela: I accept. When do I start? 安琪拉:我接受。什么时候开始?
- How do I start the process of obtaining ICCP approval? 我应该如何开始办理ICCP认证?
- So, when do I start? A slightly obnoxious quip Don't invite yourself into the job. 那我什么时候来上班?问得妙;但有点招人讨厌.;不要不请自来
- When do I start work? 我什么时候开始工作?
- Here to start the surf junky browser. 就开始自动冲浪。
- Larry: When do I take the tablets? 赖瑞:那药片什麽时候吃呢?
- Elicit the website and introduce how to surf on it. 引出学习网站,介绍使用方法。
- Eg: When did you start the emulation drive? 劳动竞赛你们什么时候开始的?
- Manzano: When do I get to sleep with you again? 我什么时候可以再跟你睡觉?
- I don't think the shelf will hold if we put anything else on it. 我看再放上其他东西那架子就不稳了。
- Yeah, yeah. The biggest. When do I have to let you know? 是的, 是的, 最大的。我什么时候该给你回音?
- Every time I start the old car, it goes haywire and makes loud noises. 我每次发动那辆老爷车,它就变得不受控制,发出很吵的噪音。
- Then I start the new year refreshed. 然后,我开始新的一年里,刷新。
- Shall I start the tour now, Mr.Adachi? 安立先生,现在要我开始带领参观吗?
- Do i have to re-apply for a visa if i start my course next September? Thanks. 如果明年月开学,我是否需要重新办理签证。谢谢。
- Since when did you start the boating business in China? 你们是什么时候开始从事游艇行业的?
- I know the name, but I can't put my finger on it. 我知道那个名字,可是我记不起来。
- I start to get down on the work. 我开始对这工作生厌。
- Why do I get blamed? It was the manager's mistake. 为什么要我忍受责备?那是经理的错误!